
Showing posts from November, 2013

The Life Cycle of a Chicken

This is my learning that I have done today and it is all about How Chickens are made and it starts from when it is in their eggs:)I hope you enjoy it!!!

My Weekly Reflection

This week I have done my Weekly Reflection.I have put lots of stuff in it and I hope you like it)

Adding Tens and Ones

This is my Maths activity.I made it because I wanted to learn more about Maths and how to do Maths and how to understand maths so I hope you enjoy it:)

My Multiplying Tens and Hundreds

This is my Maths work that I done and I done it with a friend and the rest I done it by myself.I hope you enjoy it.

My Weekly Reflection

This is my Weekly Reflection.I put lot of work in it and I hope you like it and I like my Reflectio so I hope you like it as well:)

Room 14's Manaiakalani Movie

This is Room 14's Manaiakalani Movie that Room 14 and Miss Ouano made.It is all about the beach and their are two main characters and they have some friends in it aswell and it is a really cool movie to watch and I hope you enjoy it.

The Captain Underpants Adventure

This is my Captain Underpants story that I made.It is all about two boys that are best friends since they were little and also Captain Underpants is in it and also evil people that try to rule the world.I hope you enjoy my presentation or should I say my "CRAZY" movie:)

My Comic Book

This is my comic that I made it on the graphix thing and I really just made it up and its about smiling and I hope you enjoy it or like it and here is a link so you can make also:)

My Buddy

This is my buddy that I made.Its name is Hayley Rogers its age is 12 and the thing she likes is she loves school and I hope you love my buddy too:)

The Henderson Family

This is my farm story.I hope you enjoy it:) One lovely day a farm family lived on their big,big farm.There was the dad  his name was Robert Henderson.He was the main person in the family. Then there was the mother and her name was Amy Henderson her job was to look after the kids Isabella and Justin.The kids were really naughty.The naughtiest thing they had ever done is go into someone else's house and steal the food.The other thing I forgot to tell you about is that on their farm they have One Hundred animals.The animals were mostly Cows,Pigs and Chickens. A day after that the oldest Chicken and the Oldest Cow had a discussion it was about getting rid of the farmers so they were taking.While they were talking the Chicken said “We should really get rid of the farmers mostly the children because they are so annoying” “I know” replied the Cow.Suddenly the Cow said “why don’t we get all of the animals together so we can discuss the plan and we can get rid of the farmers” so they...

From Flour to Pasta

This is my Farm project that I made.It is all about From Flour to Pasta and I hope you enjoy it:)