My Writing Reflection

What was your best moment in term one? Why?

  • My best moment was meeting my teacher and the other students in my class, because I got to say hi and stuff about me.

What was the most important thing you learnt?

  • The most important thing I learnt was blogging on my blog and using my netbook.

What subject do you do the best in this term and why?

  • The subject I do the best is writing because I think I do really good on writing and I do lots of writing.

What subject did you not do so well in and why?

  • The subject that I think I am not really good at is maths the reason I chose maths was because I don’t really get time to like finish off my work and sometimes I don’t concentrate

Did I manage my time wisely this term? How? e.g. finishing most tasks, working independently, getting work on the conferencing doc.

  • I think I did use my time wisely because I have been finishing off some tasks and I have been working hard

Did I get Golden Time this much this term? Why or Why not?

  • I did get goldentime much because I finished some work.

What can I do differently next term to improve? Why?

  • I think I can improve next term on my maths so my teacher can be so proud of me and I can go up a level and when I go to University I can show everyone my hard work I done

Give yourself smiley faces out of 10 to show how well you did this year:



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