Spend , Share & Save Presentation
This is my Spend , Share & Save Presentation that our lovely team 5 teachers have created for us students to do for Inquiry. We have been focusing on Trade & Enterpri$e . We have been talking about How we can spend our money and also how we could save our money and also sharing our money. I hope you enjoy my Spend , Share & Save Presentation. :)
3 Questions :
What is Spending Goal? Spending goal is something you set for yourself so that you would waste your money spending it on things you don't really need.
Why is it important to set spending goals for yourself? It's good for you so you know how to use your money wisely.
Where is a good place to store the money you are saving until you reach your goal? In your Piggy Bank or somewhere no one would find or can see.
Nice job May! I love that you would buy toilet paper right now! Way to think of your actual needs :-)