Algebra / Sticking Around / Week 2 / Term 4

WALT : We are learning to identify a rule for continuing sequential patterns

Week two Room 1 maths class have been focusing on Algebra and different activities that could help us with out Algebra. In week 1 Room 1's maths class were looking at a task called 'Sticky Moments'. Now for this week, which is week 2 we are looking at a task called Sticking around. I hope you enjoy. This presentation is all about Algebra and the formula that we use to solve the questions so we can get the answers. I hope you enjoy it this is the presentation that Mr Wiseman created but I just added more detail's to it so it could be prettier, because I love making everything pretty. So hope you enjoy and I can't wait to hear all your feedback and comments that you left for me to check and to answer.


  1. Great work May, I love how you made it look better. Take a look at your Formula for B, it might need some adjusting. Keep up the great work!


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